What a day at the pond. Mr. Welch was pounding the fish all day; finishing off the day with 35 bass and 1 stupid looking goldfish. The guy is amazing. He told me that in his last two trips to the pond, he has landed over 50 bass! Way to go Ryan, you are the next Sanders.
As for me, I caught 15 bass and 2 bullhead. The picture of me with the bass was the biggest one caught. The fish weighed about 3, 4 pounds. I was most successful with powerbait. This pushes my totals to:
Largemouth bass- 17
Rainbow Trout- 5
Bullhead- 2
Smallmouth bass- 1
Sun Fish- 1
Chub- 1
I'm real happy with the results so far, and I hope to improve throughout the summer.
amazing that is the understatement of the century, that is like saying uwe krupp was a mediocre defensmen. It was a good trip I must say minus all the busch league fishermen there, oh and you only caught 1 bullhead, the 2nd was hooked in the tail. der der der da der damn it
watch out for the molesters in ellicott creek park, unless you enjoy that sick stuff!
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